Smarter Event Booking Help and Support

Plan and book events with Smarter Event Booking and help users in your organization sign up for corporate events. Create events in SharePoint and Microsoft365 and manage the participants centrally via this tool without additional effort.

Getting started with Smarter Event Booking

Installing the app

To use the Smarter Event Booking SPFx web part, the app must be added to the app catalog of your tenant. Learn how to request and install apps from the SharePoint Store. After that, you can add the app to your site collection via Add an app. Learn how to add apps to a website.

Now the Smarter Event Booking SPFx web part can be added to any SharePoint page.

Configuration through web part settings

Administrators can configure the web part in the web part settings. These configurations include:

  • Allow users to see other users.
  • Allow users to register on waiting lists for fully booked events
  • Assign permissions to admins (editors) and participants
  • An explanation of how to use the mail template feature for confirmation emails after registration.

Creating events

Administrators (editors) who have been authorized to do so in the web part settings can use Smarter Event Booking to create events. The following steps must be performed to create an event for which a user can register:

  1. Click New first, then Click Event and enter the data of your event.
  2. Then click New again and select Event-Date. Here you can
    • specify when the event starts and ends (IMPORTANT: Events in the past will no longer be displayed to the user for registration!),
    • indicate when the deadlines for registration and deregistration are,
    • set how many users can participate,
    • determine which e-mail template is sent to visitors after registration,
    • add information material for visitors as an attachment.

Edit and delete events

You can edit or delete events and appointments by either clicking the Pen button in the web part or by editing the list items directly. To do this, click the Listviews button and select one of the lists to gain access to the items.

IMPORTANT: Editing items does not work in IE 11 when ModernView is enabled in the lists.

Book events

To register for an event, users must have been granted permission to do so in the web part settings.

SharePoint Event Bookings: Overview of Events

When users click on an event, they see all the related dates for which they can register in the right column. There are two scenarios for registration:

  1. If there are still seats available, users can book the event by clicking on Subscribe. If all seats are taken at the time of registration, other users can no longer register for this event date. However, users who have already registered can unsubscribe at any time within the unsubscribe period.
  2. If there are no seats available, users will not be able to register for this event date. However, if waiting lists are enabled in the settings, users may register on the waiting list. If another user unsubscribes, they move up the waiting list and are finally automatically registered for the event date when there are available seats. Users can unsubscribe from the waiting list at any time.
SharePoint Event Buchungen: Warteliste
SharePoint Event Buchungen: Termin gebucht

If enabled in the settings, users can click on Show to see all participants.

Users can get an overview of all the events they have signed up for by clicking My event bookings.

Help and support

If you need help or more information about Smarter Event Booking, please contact us or email