Microsoft Planner – How can I record my times?
How can I easily and intuitively record my time for a Microsoft Planner task. With a small simple Power App.
Notify the team about new leads for CRM automation
Learn how we notify the team about new leads with adaptive cards, deep linking, and list conversations in Microsoft Teams.
CRM Automation of Azure Tables with Azure Functions
For the CRM automation of Azure Tables, we want to automatically transfer leads from app sales to our Microsoft List.
SharePoint Solutions & Products
Development of a SharePoint Phone Book Web Part
With our SharePoint phone book, AD groups or security groups can be configured. Their users are automatically displayed. The users can be sorted within a group using drag & drop.
SharePoint Solutions & Products
Increase social interaction on the intranet with the Free Tickets Mode
Our new Free Tickets mode for Smarter Tombola makes it possible to give away tickets and increase social interaction on the intranet.
SharePoint Solutions & Products
Inspirations for Christmas in the company with IF-Blueprint
Our cooperation partners at IF-Blueprint have some inspirations for Christmas in the company with Smarter Advent Calendar for you.