NEW: We have developed an even better raffle for you. Visit Smarter Tombola to make your employees happy.
Easter is associated with a variety of customs and traditions. From colorful Easter eggs, enjoying special Easter dishes to the Easter fire. But many companies have also established their own tradition and make a raffle for their employees every year. Despite Corona and home office, no one has to do without it this year and can host an Easter raffle in SharePoint. Just like Yamaha Motor Australia, who have become aware of our Smarter Tombola and are already holding their first virtual Easter raffle.
Yamaha Motor Australia: Easter raffle in SharePoint
In an older post, we have already told you about our solution for a virtual tombola. Yamaha Motor Australia discovered our solution and wanted to host an Easter raffle in SharePoint. Originally, we developed our Smarter Tombola for the modern experience in SharePoint Online. Unfortunately, our customer uses a very early version of SharePoint 2016. So they couldn’t do anything with our web part. But we wouldn’t be Smarter Business Solutions if we hadn’t found a smart solution for it!
In no time, we have developed a visual web part for SP2016 based on our Smarter Tombola. The special feature is that configurations for different raffles can be stored in a separate SharePoint list. Thus, you can set certain properties for the raffle web part for every occasion imaginable:
- the occasion for the raffle
- whether the respective configuration is currently active
- color of the lot
- subject and content of the e-mail sent to the participants.
And here you can see the finished result of the Yamaha Social Club, which can host an Easter raffle in SharePoint this year:
Thankyou everyone for your assistance with this. Your effort has been amazing.
The solution is exactly what we need and is now working perfectly.
Please see below taken from out Sharepoint Dev site – it’s Still “work in progress” but just wanted to show you we have it up and running.
Thank you so much 🙂
– Corina Safi, Yamaha Motor Australia
We are very happy about the great cooperation and that we were able to make another customer happy once more! If you also want to host a virtual Easter raffle in SharePoint, just write us a short email or drop us a few lines in our contact form. We will be happy to send you everything you need for free!