In this post, we’d like to introduce you to our solution for a digital signature for a SharePoint document. It is often the case that multiple users need to take note of a document. For this purpose, the digital signature for documents comes into play. With our new solution, we can map exactly this scenario. A user starts a workflow for his SharePoint document, and all added users must take note of the document and sign it using a digital signature. After all users have signed, the signed document can be downloaded.

Start workflow for digital signature

SharePoint Digitale Unterschrift: Menü Button

A user can use the Sign Document menu item to start a workflow for the digital signature for the selected document.

SharePoint Digitale Unterschrift: Workflow starten

He can now add all users who need to sign the document to the workflow. In doing so, he can define the order of the users in which the document is to be signed by drag & drop. Users will then be notified by e-mail in this order that it is their turn to sign. Only the active user has the option to sign the document at a time.

Digital signature of the user

The current user will receive a link via e-mail. With this he comes to the page where he gets a preview of the document to be signed. After taking note of the document, he can specify the exact location for his digital signature by clicking on the document in the preview.

Afterwards he will be directly forwarded to the mobile phone signature. The digital signature is inserted at the previously assigned position in the document. After the digital signature has been set, the next user becomes active and is also informed by e-mail.

SharePoint Digitale Unterschrift: Signiertes Dokument

Update of the signed document

After all users of the workflow have signed the document, the document is updated to SharePoint. It now contains all digital signatures and in the version history it is clear which user signed and when.

SharePoint Digitale Unterschrift: Versionsverlauf

Have we aroused your interest and would you like more information about our solution for digital signature for SharePoint documents? Then please get in touch with us.
